Randall Scott Harden

MEDIUM: Oil Paintings


An American artist, with a passion for painting, Randall Scott Harden dedicates his being to creating art - it is his lifestyle. He sees the world through an artist's eyes - as patterns of color, shapes, and light. His strength lies in his ability to effortlessly create a timeless style with an essence of romance. Whether having a glass of wine in Paris, or hiking in Tuscany, Randall is continually looking for that perfect balance of subject, atmosphere and hue...those things, combined with years of experience, which allow his brush to flow freely in expression of the moment.

At an early age, Randall felt the need to use art as a tool to interpret the world, as he knew it. With a gift of natural ability, he was tutored by local talent and continued to study throughout his life in workshops, museums, studios, and "en plein air" alongside his award-winning peers. Today, he has a successful career bringing his vision to others through his paintings.

Website: randallscottharden.com


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