Sara Bernstein

MEDIUM: Fluid Acrylic and Epoxy Resin Artist


Sara is a native Hoosier and a self-taught fluid and epoxy resin artist. Art, in one form or another, has always been part of her life. Sara took metalsmithing classes in high school, minored in art in college, and took numerous metalsmithing courses as an adult. For many years, she focused her talent on jewelry making. After taking almost a decade away from this medium, in 2018, Sara found the world of fluid acrylic art to reconnect with her creative artistic side. She truly admires the process of this type of art. Sara describes some of her pieces as being “intentionally unintentional,” as it challenges her to go with the flow of the medium.

Sara continues to explore creative techniques to take her acrylic fluid art and epoxy resin work to new levels. She is willing to paint or resin pretty much any surface. She is the mother to 2 boys and a dog and married to a wonderful man who tolerates her art messes. When she is not “arting,” Sara works as a Wellness Coach of IU Health.


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